Laminated metamorphic map of the Alps


Metamorphic map of the Alps

Scale: 1:1 000 000
Published in November 2012
Size: 124 x 100 cm
Equidistant conical projection
Authors: Romain Bousquet, Stefan M. Schmid, Gerold Zeilinger, Roland Oberhänsli, Claudio Rosenberg, Giancarlo Molli, Christian Robert, Michael Wiederkehr, Friedrich Koller and Andreas Möller

Map also available in digital pdf version on our catalogue and in folded paper version.

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Metamorphic map of the Alps

From Corsica to the Vienna basin (Austria), the Metamorphic map of the Alps offers a compilation, at the millionth scale, of the different metamorphic conditions recorded during the Alpine orogeny since the Cretaceous. This synthesis is both an update and a reworking of the "Map of the metamorphic structure of the Alps". published in 2004 by Oberhänsli et al. Associated with the main map, a set of additional documents provides complementary data :
- on the different stages of the construction of the Alpine chain by a map of the tectonic-metamorphic age distributions on a scale of 1 : 2 500 000;
- on the depth distribution of metamorphic units along the four Alpine seismic profiles (TRANSALP, NFP20 East, NFP20 West, ECORS-CROP)
- on the interpretations, in terms of tectonic-metamorphic ages, of these four seismic profiles
- on the metamorphic facies recognised in the Alps, and the description of the different mineralogical associations according to the chemistry of the rocks.

Metamorphic map of the Alps

The completion of this work, as well as the Tectonic map of the Alps (2012), is part of a general synthesis of geological, petrological and geophysical data acquired in the Alps. By favouring this approach, it remains representative of the state of knowledge at a given moment, a state which leaves many questions open and which therefore constitutes only a fundamental element of future discussions. In this perspective, and following the example of the map published in 2004, the Metamorphic map of the Alps proposes a global approach to the chain and attempts to account for the geodynamic evolution over time.

For more information on this map see

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