International Geological Map of the Middle East-PDF
Note: This card is subject to a licence agreement.
The CCMG International Geological Map of the Middle East (IGMME) project at 1:5 million scale was initially conceived and implemented in a traditional manner under the coordination of the former Chairman of the CCMG Sub-Commission for the Middle East, Dr Abdolazim Haghipour. Geological maps and data relating to the Middle East regions (continental and offshore), available or accessible until the end of 2005, were collected and consulted, including scientific papers related to the region.
The legend includes onshore and offshore domains and is organised according to the international chronostratigraphic scale. Lithological types and metamorphic facies are also indicated. This version (from 2009) is available free of charge on this site, and will be replaced shortly by an updated map taking into account recent knowledge and a shaded bedrock topography.
The projection adopted is the Lambert Conformal Conic, with central meridian at 51° East.